Friday, March 12, 2010


A few years ago my path was aligned with Lady Ann Ruckert.
My sister and I had a lengthy phone conversation about living our dreams and that day began my musical journey. I began attending seminars at The Learning Annex....anything relating to music and the entertainment business, I was there. That's when I met Ann.
She was a guest speaker at one of the seminars and although I was enthralled with her lecture I said to myself 'her workshops are for songwriters, not for me, I'm just a singer'.
Well how wrong was I! Ann encouraged me to not only sing but also to write the words that were wrestling in there and now I am currently working on my debut cd.

Her she is fussing that I turned down (performance) jobs abroad to be with my son...
......soon Ann, SOON! :)

It was because of this remarkable lady that I've had so many great opportunities in music, one of which was singing with Mr Jimmy Norman who wrote "Time is on my side" (which later became a Rolling Stones Hit).

Here I am singing with Mr Jimmy Norman on his birthday

There are never enough words in any language to express one's gratitude, but I hope she knows just how grateful I am to her for everything; teaching me music theory, her words of encouragement and advice, for kicking my a** when I wanted to throw in the towel...for everything.... and just how much I love her.

Happy birthday Ann and I know,  "PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!"

(Also I know this might be short notice for some of you but Jimmy Norman will be performing one last time at Roth's Steakhouse, 680 Columbus Ave (corner of 93rd), New York, NY tomorrow at 9 pm. He has been performing there every Saturday night for the past few years so if you wanna witness this living legend doing his thang, come on down the price is right!)

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