Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Bday Grandpa!

Yesterday was my grandpa's birthday. My grandfather is the coolest ever; he has his own swagger. :)
He has never left Trinidad yet he's filled with a wealth of information. He's taught me so many things (although when I was younger I thought most of it was gibberish!)
He taught me to love without color or abandon. He always emphasizes the importance of education and he let me sing to my heart's content (even when it might've been painful to everyone else :)
He is great with business and a very fair man. I always thought he would have experienced so much more in life had he travelled all over the globe but he loved my grandmother dearly and would NEVER leave her side. (He was the adventurous one, she wasn't).

My grandpa always believed in me and I love him dearly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!!!


AnaMontes124 said...

soc's grandpa is like tha too. he wants to travel but wont leave grammadukes

Anonymous said...

Aw..how sweet! Happy Belated Birthday Grandpa!!!
